MI 1330A Automatisert artefaktkalibrator
- Primær 1ohm, 10kohm og 10V referanse
- 3 standarder i en temperaturkontrollert enhet
- Direkte plug-in kabel for 57xx terminaler
- Front panel eller GPIB kontrollert
- Kan leveres med backupbatteri (>72h)
The model 1330A is a highly versatile, accurate instrument that meets laboratory requirements for automation of artifact calibration on calibrators and DMMs. The model 1330A Artifact Calibrator is made up of one instrument enclosure and three reference standards. Artifact calibration is used to assign values to internally generated parameters of the calibrator or DMM. It is a process that is typically performed in calibrating an instrument using a small number of standards. Artifact calibration is typically performed at the recommended calibration intervals as indicated in the calibrator or DMM manufacturers manual.
The MI 1330A can be operated both manually and under automated control to select the appropriate standard. Under manual mode the selection is done via push buttons on the front panel. Under automated control the standards can be selected via the GPIB interface. In addition, calibrated values and uncertainties for the artifacts can be entered from the front panel or via the IEEE-488 bus. For enhanced automation, the software has the option to extrapolate the current standard value based on past measurements for improved accuracy of artifact calibration of DUTs.
Output connections to the calibrator or DMM are made from the front panel of the 1330A. The output cable (supplied) features a direct plug in cable for the 57XX series calibrators or to the 3458A DMM. Other cables can be supplied. A selector switch allows selection of the main menu as shown on the front panel display for setting the parameters such as time, date, data input and standards selection to the output.
The model 1330A-PS power supply is contained in its own enclosure and plugs into the rear of the 1330A. An optional battery pack model 1330A-BP and charger that lasts for 72 hours is also available. Other battery packs are available. The 1330A is shipped cold and requires about 12 hours of warm up to reach its operating temperature. The temperature of the oven is monitored by an internal PRT. The 1330A comes with the calibrated values of the standards entered the unit and is shipped in a reusable container.