CBWatch3 is a universal and compact device suitable for any kind of HV circuit breaker
Utility Asset Managers all know how critical their power transformer are and understand the risks and consequences of failure. Yet there are assets which often turn out to be just as critical: HV circuit breakers. When a transformer problem is detected, protection relays and circuit breakers are relied upon to isolate it from the grid and a breaker’s “failure to operate” is not a palatable option. With circuit breaker fleets worldwide averaging >25 years of age and operating budgets diminishing year after year, many Asset Managers are looking not only for a way to move from time based to condition based maintenance but also for a solution that will provide increased network reliability. Capitalizing on 15 years of CBWatch2 field experience, the CBWatch3 is a compact, modular, online monitoring solutions, suitable for any type of high voltage circuit breaker. It records information using non-invasive sensors and performs local real time monitoring of operational parameters attached to key breaker functions. It looks for threshold breaches, warns of any significant change in operating performance and assembles an overall condition assessment of the breaker. The CBWatch3 also highlights the need for any mechanical maintenance or arcing contact replacement, eliminating yearly testing and fixed interval overhauls and instead enabling a more cost effective and less reactive condition based maintenance approach. With worldwide scrutiny on SF6 gas usage, increased environmental reporting requirements and even possible penalties, precise early detection of small gas leaks is essential. The latest generation of EMC resistant digital gas sensors are used to provide leak tracking down to 0.1% per year and to forecast refilling needs prior to reaching threshold levels and affecting operation. Key Benefits: - Compact and modular solution adaptable to any circuit breaker type - Delivers reduced and optimized operating maintenance costs - Enables health/condition based asset replacement strategy - Help reduce costly SF6 gas losses into the environment - Seamless integration into digital control systems and easy web server interface - GE as single vendor to monitor all key substation assets Applications CBWatch3 is a universal and compact device suitable for any kind of HV circuit breaker: ganged or independent pole, GCB, GIS, live or dead tank. It can usually be directly mounted on a DIN® rail inside the control cabinet for easy wiring, minimum disturbance and painless retrofit. Its modular approach makes this platform suitable for all circuit breakers, large and small, which are critical to the grid or are old and have had a prior history of issues. Modularity to match your needs All substations and circuit breakers in your network are not equal in terms of criticality, so Asset Managers often want to step up the monitoring of the critical ones and focus on just the essentials for the less important ones. The modular design of the CBWatch3 allows you to do just that, having different specifications for different types of breakers while keeping the same equipment supplier, the same hardware platform and the same software interface. Adding optional modules is easy to do thanks to the small size of the modules and to the bus architecture of the product. This can even be done in stages as part of a later upgrade program. Klikk her for å laste ned mer informasjon>> Klikk her for transformatorovervåking og diagnostikk>> For mer informasjon, Vennligst kontakt: Product Manager M & D Transformer Condition Monitoring dpt. Magne Karlsen, e-post: Magne.Karlsen@IKM.no Tlf.: 33 16 56 74